Yosemite CA

Change of plans.
Forest fire causing road closings in Yosemite. The road we need to get to our host in the valley is closed so instead of biking in we are going to hike. We are shuttling to the trailhead and then hiking 10 miles down into the valley. The positives- we don’t have to climb up Tioga Pass on our bikes and we get to hike into Yosemite!

The hike was pretty smokey, blocking some of the amazing views but we did get to swim in the deep pools of bridal veil waterfall.

While the hike was BEAUTIFUL 10 miles descending was killer on our legs. The van made it the long way around with all of our bikes and bags crammed into the trailer. One trip=magic packing skills. Once we made it to the valley we hung out at the grocery snacking on dinner and sharing stories.

The next day was a day off. While I would have liked to have hiked all over the park, my sore sore legs forbade it. Instead of climbing half dome (only one of the 27 originally interested could muster up the strength at 3am for the hike) I rode the free shuttle around the park to see the sites and hung out at Curry Village (unlimited free refills on iced coffee!)

some highlights from Yosemite:
The redwoods
Ansel Adams gallery
Swimming in the pools of the waterfall
Sleeping in!!!













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