About Bike and Build

Started in 2002, Bike & Build is a nonprofit that organizes cross-country bike trips to benefit the affordable housing cause in the U.S. The following information is pulled from Bike & Build’s website:

  • Mission Statement: Through service-oriented cycling trips, Bike & Build benefits affordable housing and empowers young adults for a lifetime of service and civic engagement.
  • Core Values: Young adult driven, safety, empowerment, integrity, fun.
  • Over ten seasons, Bike & Build has contributed more than $4M to affordable housing groups.
  •  By funding building projects involving students and young adults, Bike & Build creates incremental service opportunities among young adults, empowering this crucial demographic.

  • According to their 2012 Annual Report,  292 riders participated in Bike & Build’s trips, pedaling 938,000 miles and volunteering over 20,000 hours on 104 build sites across the country. In the same year they contributed $610,263 to 350 affordable housing organizations in 48 states.
  • Bike & Build currently organizes 10 cross-country and regional routes. The cross-country routes have up to 30 riders and 4 team leaders each.
  • Trip Expenses

    Bike and Build is an independent 501(c)3 organization. That means they don’t make any profit. For the riders, it means no hotels, no tour guides, and no sports masseuse to alleviate sore legs. Nearly all food and lodging for the trips are donated, and we will often sleep on gymnasium floors or camp outside. The major trip expense comes in bike costs, one per rider at a cost of $450. This is only 10% of each rider’s minimum fundraising level. It is not a professionally led cycling tour, and all of the riders involved, including the trip leaders, are volunteers. Financial audits are posted to the website each year.

To date, Bike & Build has contributed more than $4M to affordable housing groups.

In 2013 alone, Bike & Build donated $411,489 to affordable housing efforts.

How is the money distributed?

1. En Route Donations: Bike and Build supports the local housing groups we build with in the communities we visit

2. Competitive Grants – Once we reach the Pacific Ocean, the riders will award funding (ranging $1,000 to $10,000) through a team based competitive selection process.

3. Individual Rider Grants: Each rider can allocate a portion of their fundraising to an affordable housing organization of their choice ($500).

4. Pre-Arranged Donations: Upon occasion Bike & Build has worked with a particular affordable housing group to produce our events. In these cases, a portion of our trips’ proceeds are reserved for these groups (ranging $10,000-$60,000).


How is the money raised?

This is where I need your help.

Please, consider donating to help support the affordable housing cause.

Can you help support our efforts?

Online Donations:

Donate on my rider biography page  (Please, click “Donate” at bottom of page)

Donation by Check/Money Order:

Make the check payable to “Bike and Build” and write “Kirstin Heinrich” in the Memo line. Send your check to:

Bike & Build
6153 Ridge Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19128

Bike & Build is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation (download the determination letter); our EIN is 36-4524531. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Without your generous donations, none of this would be possible.

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